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Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio

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Common RQs for Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio

More about RQ
Love RQ (Relationship Quotient) for Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio. Friendship RQ (Relationship Quotient) for Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio. Sexual RQ (Relationship Quotient) for Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio. Partnership RQ (Relationship Quotient) for Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Relationship Quotients (RQs) are based on presence and strength of four qualities in your relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio.  Their values are listed below:

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Commitment Intimacy Passion Synergy
Your Commitment Mutual Commitment Match Commitment Your Intimacy Mutual Intimacy Match Intimacy Your Passion Mutual Passion Match Passion Mutual Synergy
Your commitment to Leonardo DiCaprio Mutual commitment How Leonardo DiCaprio commits to you Your intimacy with Leonardo DiCaprio Mutual intimacy How intimate is Leonardo DiCaprio with you Your passion towards Leonardo DiCaprio Mutual passion How passionate is Leonardo DiCaprio toward you Combined synergy

The table above highlights the qualities in your relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio (your match) that are especially strong and can sustain and support your relationship through rainy days and stormy phases.

The presence and strength of these qualities are derived by calculating thousands of aspects between stars, houses and signs in your individual birth charts and in your combined astrological map.

Use the table below as a guide to sort out which types of relationships with Leonardo DiCaprio are destined to bring you mutual fulfillment and growth, and what are the ingredients that are missing from the other types pf relationships.

The (on) or (off) icons show the qualities that are needed for each type of relationship. When all the lights in a row are on, it means that you have what it takes to make this type of relationship a success.

Any suggestions on how to improve this report?
Share them with us in the Feedback & Suggestions forum.

Types of relationships and the ingredients they require

Personal Relationships

Type of Relationship Commitment Intimacy Passion Synergy
By you Mutually By your match By you Mutually By your match By you Mutually By your match
Love relationship              
Pen pals/Buddies                  

Business and Professional Relationships

Type of Relationship Commitment Intimacy Passion Synergy
By you Mutually By your match By you Mutually By your match By you Mutually By your match
Leonardo DiCaprio as your consultant              
You as the consultant              


Type of Relationship Commitment Intimacy Passion Synergy
By you Mutually By your match By you Mutually By your match By you Mutually By your match
Leonardo DiCaprio as your mentor              
You as the mentor              

Relationships in the Workplace

Type of Relationship Commitment Intimacy Passion Synergy
By you Mutually By your match By you Mutually By your match By you Mutually By your match
Leonardo DiCaprio as your boss              
You as the boss              
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