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The Simple Truth about Falling and Living In Love

Real love never hurts or wounds. It is only our confused expectations that can undermine our lives and lead us to painful consequences.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

The Art of Creative Conflict Resolution

Every time conflict is resolved for the good of all, real growth and integration become available.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

The Power of Thankfulness

There is one sure fire medicine which cures all pain and opens the way for your greater good. It allows you to sleep well at night, wake up refreshed and filled with enthusiasm for your daily tasks and ongoing relationships.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

12 Deadly Mistakes That Often Ruin A Relationship

Here are some of the most common mistakes that occur in a relationship. Often they are not just unpleasant, but also deadly for a relationship. Check 'em out!

By Vicky Zhou Read more

The Road To Simple Truth (Developing Unshakeable Courage and Strength)

As the level of stress and confusion in society and relationships escalate, we need to find a new way to deal with difficulty more urgently than ever before.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

How To Know Whether It's Time To Stay or Go?

Many individuals spend a great deal of time in relationships wondering if the person is the right one for them, whether they should stay or go. This question can become so persistent that it becomes hard enjoying being together, interferes with being able to relax and allow the bond to grow.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift we can give one another in a relationship is the gift of our true selves, of being who we are.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

Four Ways To Become Closer (Developing Emotional Intimacy)

Many wish to become closer to their partners and share quality time that is truly intimate. Learn some direct steps, which open emotional doors between partners and deepen the bond they share.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

How To Feed The Hungry Heart

Most of us live our lives hungry - hungry for love, attention, praise, success. But no matter how much we take in, it’s hard to be satisfied. The pleasure lasts for a little while and then before long we’re craving more.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

Value-Centered Relationships

So many of us live in the past, remembering how things used to be, or repeating old scenarios. This keeps us out of touch with the ever expanding, amazing present, where everything is fresh and possible.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

Re-Connect and Find Romance

Some believe that romance should just come naturally, and if it doesn’t, or if the closeness you once shared starts to subside, it means that something is wrong. Nothing is further from the truth!

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

Three Secrets

A refreshing insight at three ingredients that make marriage or other long-term relationships a success.  The three secrets are easy to grasp and practice, with amazing results.

By Scot McKay Read more

Searching for The Perfect Match

What keeps us from finding the love we are so hungry for?  The most common answer to this question is that we must find the perfect person...  We still believe that it is up to another person to make us happy.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

Nourishing Ourselves and Others In Relationships

There’s a hunger we have for all kinds of relationship food: warmth, kindness, appreciation, time spent together. However, when this is not forthcoming some will do anything to get fed.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

Different Ways Men Say I Love You

Are the words I LOVE YOU the only way to demonstrate love, affection, commitment and friendship?  Learn how to give and receive love that is expressed in various other ways.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

Relationships Balancing (Restoring Natural Harmony)

If you are unhappy, fighting difficulties in your relationships, be aware that there is not anything necessarily wrong with what is happening to you right now. It does not mean your partner is the wrong one, or that you are failing.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

Relationships: You And The Famous (Your Connection To The Stars)

TG Magazine, Italy's leading media publication has recognized Top Synergy as "... one of America's authoritative sites dealing with "relationships" or interpersonal relations."  We translated the original article into English and published it here for your enjoyment.

By TG Magazine, Italy Read more

8 Unfailing Steps For Healing Your Relationships

Many times we begin to feel stuck in our relationships, as though it’s impossible to make the changes we want to make. Old habits reappear frequently. Past memories block the warmth and happiness we’re hoping for. Common knowledge tells us that it is difficult to overcome our obstacles. However, the truth is that there are easy, unfailing steps we can take to healing our relationship right now.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

Secrets To Keeping The Romance Alive In Your Relationships

Some believe that romance should just come naturally, and if it doesn’t, or if closeness starts to subside, it means that something is wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. Keeping romance alive requires time, attention and the willingness to start fresh over and over, to learn how to constantly reconnect.

By Dr. Brenda Shoshanna Read more

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